

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Thursday, May 22, 2003

so i'm back in bloomington, for a short period of the day. i miss being here, being able to walk to a bar, watching GH with katy, being able to smoke whilst watching GH with katy, being able to be online all damn day for no reason, being able to access my email without 10 years going by before i can read one (dial-up sucks), being afraid that someone's going to break in and kill me (just kidding). i don't know, i guess i'm not thrilled about being back at home because for the past several nites i have spent an exciting evening watching local tv with my cat. but maybe when i actually start working and have a purpose, i'll get more into the swing of summer. blegh. i do have a vacation in the bahamas to look forward to, but not for another 3 months. i also don't like the fact that i'm in the same city with my boyfriend but never get to see him, cause he actually WORKS and makes money. *sigh* oh well. there could be worser things, i suppose. but i'm still working on my summer goal to win the lottery and improve my tan, so we'll see how that goes. oh the days when i was 10 and the only work i had to do was yard work and house work; when i was at a point in my life where i didn't have to worry about money or saving it (cause i suck at saving money) i miss those days, boy do i ever. eh, at least i can find solace in the fact that i can now imbibe in alcohol. ah alcohol...the solution to so many problems. :)


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