

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Monday, April 26, 2004

Alright, so I'm blogging only to escape the portfolio I should be working on right now, but I'm sorry, I'm sick of reading and typing about therapeutic-this and therapeutic-that, blah blah blah blah blah. I hope after I graduate, I don't have to type out the word "therapeutic" again for a long long time. Grad school ain't lookin so hot right now! Maybe I should've been a tourism major...at least traveling and fun seem to be somewhat involved in that type of career path. Anyhoo, enough about that.

This weekend, I officially felt like a huge nerd, in that it was Little 5 weekend, everyone has been boozing and partying nonstop--it's Friday night and I'm walking home from work amidst the drunken milieu with my backpack on and pushing up my horn-rimmed glasses with the intention of returning to my apartment to do homework on the aforementioned portfolio. Yes, it's true...well, except for the glasses. Needless to say, I didn't actually do any work when I got home, but I did go to bed at like 1am with the honest intention of waking up early to work on the project. Big nerd? Well, you might think so, but I like to think of myself this past weekend as being more of a big I-want-to-graduate-type-person. So screw you.

Disclaimer: The incident mentioned above wasn't really the first time I've felt like a huge nerd...I live with Kate, enough said. :P

Back to work...


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