

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

So it's been about 4 years in the making now, but I finally bought a car. Yes folks, you heard me right. Maryann is no longer perpetually without transportation. After a 4 year long hiatus, I am back in the game and once again behind a wheel. Hello gas prices, it's been too long. Well hey there car insurance, how have you been? Ah yes, sweet sweet automobile. And it's somewhat comforting to know that I won't do a lot of driving down here in Bloomington, thus not using much in gas. Why? Oh, because I'm now perpetually at work. And surprisingly, having a car down here the last two weeks only showed me that despite having a vehicle at my disposal, I was still too lazy to leave my apt when I wasn't working to go anywhere. But I suppose it will definitely come to good use while I attempt to "pay back" all those fine folks who've been driving me around for the last 4 years. To Bob, Kate, and anyone else who has ever doubled as my chauffeur, I dedicate this post to you. Thanks.


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