I attended a debate between Ron Jeremy and "porn pastor" Craig Gross last night. A few highlights:
1. The suicidal 100-degree temperature of the room was by no means a high point of the evening, however, it made me delirious enough so that every time I looked at Ray I laughed until I cried. But I was really crying.
2. Ron Jeremy has a ginormous forehead.
3. I tended to feel like Craig Gross had an overall better argument for his cause and conveyed that argument more effectively, however Ron Jeremy made some excellent points himself. An example of this was when Ron pointed out that people are responsible for themselves and the choices they make about anything. Good point, Ron.
4. Craig Gross never came across to me as being judgmental. Despite his own personal and religious beliefs, he was able to stay true to the message that those religious beliefs are supposed to convey to others. He admitted that there are a lot of people out there who give religion a bad name, and I think he definitely showed me that he tries his hardest to not be one of those people.
5. Ron Jeremy seemed somewhat outdated in his perception of what the porn industry has become today. As he pointed out many times in the evening, he started doing porn in the 1970s...you know, before there was "double anal penetration" and "dirty sanchez's."
6. "Rusty trombone," "Philadelphia steamer," and "Dirty Sanchez" all made an appearance during the debate. Not in demo form, but in spoken word form. Well done.
7. I beat Ray's Tetris score.
8. All bets were off when Craig Gross indicated that he doesn't believe masturbation is right. Again, though, he wasn't judgmental about it. He simply said "I wouldn't recommend it." I can live with that.
I recommend visiting his website. www.xxxchurch.com. Watch the video about how God kills a kitten every time you masturbate. It's amusing.
1. The suicidal 100-degree temperature of the room was by no means a high point of the evening, however, it made me delirious enough so that every time I looked at Ray I laughed until I cried. But I was really crying.
2. Ron Jeremy has a ginormous forehead.
3. I tended to feel like Craig Gross had an overall better argument for his cause and conveyed that argument more effectively, however Ron Jeremy made some excellent points himself. An example of this was when Ron pointed out that people are responsible for themselves and the choices they make about anything. Good point, Ron.
4. Craig Gross never came across to me as being judgmental. Despite his own personal and religious beliefs, he was able to stay true to the message that those religious beliefs are supposed to convey to others. He admitted that there are a lot of people out there who give religion a bad name, and I think he definitely showed me that he tries his hardest to not be one of those people.
5. Ron Jeremy seemed somewhat outdated in his perception of what the porn industry has become today. As he pointed out many times in the evening, he started doing porn in the 1970s...you know, before there was "double anal penetration" and "dirty sanchez's."
6. "Rusty trombone," "Philadelphia steamer," and "Dirty Sanchez" all made an appearance during the debate. Not in demo form, but in spoken word form. Well done.
7. I beat Ray's Tetris score.
8. All bets were off when Craig Gross indicated that he doesn't believe masturbation is right. Again, though, he wasn't judgmental about it. He simply said "I wouldn't recommend it." I can live with that.
I recommend visiting his website. www.xxxchurch.com. Watch the video about how God kills a kitten every time you masturbate. It's amusing.
At 1:47 AM,
kevin fitz said…
that website is funny.. it says i'm naughty for touching myself the way i do, and thinking the thoughts i do.. i kind of think it's an animalistic nature that every human encounters. like it or not, gotta spank it once in awhile... ya know, stress release.. that sort of thing :)
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