

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Crisis averted

As I was brushing my teeth tonight, some toothpaste foam somehow escaped the confines of my mouth and kamikaze-ed towards the front of my bathrobe. Luckily, I moved just in time for it to hit the edge of the sink and *not* my clothing or any part of my body. What a relief! Any person that knows me a little better than the common man will tell you just how big of a relief it was, as per my hatred and disgust of toothpaste in the event it happens upon any part of me that is not the inside of my mouth. Blech!

In an unrelated story, it's seems funny to me that in the physical absence of much surface area or depth of ass, it still feels fairly large to my sense of touch. And also when I'm sitting on it eating cheetos. Mooooaaaaah.


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