

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Thursday, May 06, 2004

(For those of you who are a little like me in this respect, you'll understand where I'm coming from. For those of you who can't even fathom my sentiments, well, hope it's at least interesting to read.)

Sometimes it's hard for me to stop thinking and obsessing over things. When I acquire a conflicting struggle into my head, it's there eating away at my optimism for days and days until a solid resolution presents itself. Obviously, solid resolutions don't always come along, which only perpetuates the craziness I force upon my mind. I can't help it, it's the way I am.

This, in turn, makes it extremely difficult to just let go of negative feelings and force myself to be happy or content with things. If there's something I'm musing over and worrying about in my head for an extended period of time, it'll be there until someone or something forces me to just stop with the madness and quit making myself crazy over it. I was recently faced with this scenario in my personal life, and I must say, the payoff was well worth the effort to just stop obsessing over it. I was encouraged by a friend and forced by myself to make a concious effort to take it off the forefront of my brain and tuck it away in some dark corner for awhile to chew on at a later date. Wow, if only I had practiced this form of damage control sooner in my life, I probably could've spared myself about 80 minutes that were otherwise lost off my lifespan due to the stress it inflicted.

So I guess the moral of the story is this: if a solid resolution doesn't present itself right away to your conflict, give it a fucking rest already and take it off your mind. You'll be happy you did.

(Acknowledgement: Kate, you are wise beyond your years. Thanks for being grounded in common sense.)

P.S. I'm forever going to be a presence (somewhat) in the psych library due to the kindness and achievement of my wonderful roommate Kate. Congratulations Kate!


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