

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Ah, the beauty of old memories and feelings bubbling back up to the surface.  It's nice to sit and reminisce about the past, and it's even nicer to be able to do it without (or less, at least) feeling regretful or remorseful. 

I've found that the older I get (I know, I know, 22 is not that old) the more it seems the past is fading.  I was trying to recall some specific incidents from my high school days that were on my mind, and it literally was fuzzy and blurry in my mind.  Pieces were missing and the recollection was incomplete all over the board.  Now, in this particular case, the fact that the story had holes everywhere in it was practically a good thing, as this memory lies more on the negative side of things.  But the whole experience of it gave me some anxiety, as well as some relief.  When I don't remember things, it makes me think I didn't really care about them or they weren't important enough to me.  This is almost completely untrue for most cases in my life.  But at the same time, it was nice to see that these negative occurrences seemed almost erased from my mind, which makes me feel productive in some strange way.  I don't know.  It's all a mystery to me anymore.


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