

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

I'm It! I was tagged by Kate, my roommate. Now I have to reveal my ambitions and my abilities in septets before I tag someone else.

Seven Things I Plan To Do Before I Die
  • Take kickboxing
  • Have beautiful children (2 boys and a girl)
  • Go skydiving
  • Quit smoking
  • Travel to Asia
  • Own a Siamese cat
  • Buy an outrageously expensive bag

Seven Things I Can Do
  • Spend an evening out on the town in stilettos (beauty is pain)
  • Justify any purchase(s) I make
  • Give a good back rub
  • Make people laugh
  • Sit and watch a favorite show for hours (literally)
  • Shamelessly indulge in the same sandwich at Panera and not see anything wrong with it
  • Sing the lyrics of almost every BTE song on their albums

Seven Things I Can't Do
  • Drink Jack Daniels anymore
  • Resist my conscience when I most want to
  • Watch people fight (physically, that is)
  • Draw well (in regards to art)
  • Speak a foreign language
  • Scuba dive
  • The splits anymore

Seven Things That Attract Me (to Men)
  • A not-too-hairy chest
  • Kindness
  • Strong arms
  • Sense of humor
  • Generosity (as in he'll scratch my back whenever I ask him to)
  • Ambition
  • A true desire to make me happy

*man, I only get seven??*

Seven Things I Say the Most (Recently)
  • "Man" (Ex: "Be cool, man.")
  • "Will you scratch my back?"
  • "Like" (Ex: "And, like, mold won't kill you if you eat it, right?")--obnoxious, I know
  • "You are so inappropriate!"
  • "Fab"
  • "I am so broke."
  • "'Alright, I get it. I have bad teeth.'" (from Austin Powers)

Seven Celebrities I Dream About
  • Kevin Griffin
  • Ed Harris
  • Famke Janssen
  • Sam Neill
  • Bridget Moynahan
  • Michael Caine
  • Clint Eastwood

*I'm with Kate...I don't know exactly what this category is meant to apply to, but my celebrities listed are ones that often pass through my head, for no particular reason.*

So, now I tag Szalay. You're It!!!


  • At 5:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oh man! I will have to ponder this...

  • At 8:01 AM, Blogger Maryann said…

    One reason I tagged you, Szalay, is because you're one of the last remaining few people who still blog (rock on). But, that's not to say that I'm not interested in your responses. I'm hoping that by expressing my implied remorse over lost blogs that once were, I can convince others to resume blogging or create new ones.


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