(courtesy of Bob Craft)
"If Brad Paisley and Kevin Griffin got into a fight, who would you side with?"
My response:
"Uh, of course KEVIN GRIFFIN. ..........well.........oh my God it's so hard to choose!!! Kevin is such a hot alternative rock god. But Brad is a hot cowboy. I can't pick!!!
(courtesy of Bob Craft)
"If Brad Paisley and Kevin Griffin got into a fight, who would you side with?"
My response:
"Uh, of course KEVIN GRIFFIN. ..........well.........oh my God it's so hard to choose!!! Kevin is such a hot alternative rock god. But Brad is a hot cowboy. I can't pick!!!
At 9:41 PM,
Jenn said…
Hahaha, are these like those "Who would win in a fight: a bear or a lion?" questions? FYI, the zoo said the lion would win because it was quicker.
At 10:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh my god maryann...where the hell do you come up with this shit?!?!? Just playing with you =) Miss ya sis!
At 3:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kevin Griffin would totally kick his cowboy Father Of the Bride Loving ass. Hands down.
He'd dance around him in such a skinny methed up fury that there wouldn't even be a contest. Just a big swirling mess of skinny-jeans and funky guitar straps. Brad would never see it coming, the poor guy.
At 10:08 PM,
Maryann said…
Hey, don't knock Brad Paisley. He's awesome.
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