There is something about this time of the year that makes me a little depressed. I don't think it's the money I have to drop for gifts, the cold weather (though the getting dark early thing is a little discouraging), or even the traffic in Castleton (hard to believe).
I suspect it's the inevitability of a new year. Another year has gone by and now here comes another one. Maybe it's the high hopes I have for myself in the coming year that are looming before me and consequently making me feel some anxiety. Inspiration and motivation only come in small doses and aren't enough to offset the impact of the closing year. I don't know. I need a vacation. And the chance to see some snow this winter....maybe that's why I'm feeling a little off; there hasn't been any real snow yet! Brilliant!
I suspect it's the inevitability of a new year. Another year has gone by and now here comes another one. Maybe it's the high hopes I have for myself in the coming year that are looming before me and consequently making me feel some anxiety. Inspiration and motivation only come in small doses and aren't enough to offset the impact of the closing year. I don't know. I need a vacation. And the chance to see some snow this winter....maybe that's why I'm feeling a little off; there hasn't been any real snow yet! Brilliant!
At 7:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I always get depressed this time of year too. There's just something about feeling like yet *another* year has gone by and I still haven't accomplished anything that stings a bit.
Plus... we're in a weird place in our lives right now. It's hard to get excited for a new year when you feel like your life has been stuck in the same rut (or not even rut... just stuck in the same place) with no hope of immediate forward mobility for the forseeable future. It is hard to feel to static when everything around you seems to be changing constantly.
At 10:35 PM,
Ray said…
Well said, Katy. Many of us have fallen into this void, myself included. We need to break out.
At 7:28 AM,
Anonymous said…
Are you guys kidding? I love this time of year. I can mask my year round bitterness and depression with socially accepted causes like the holidays and Seasonal Affective Disorder.
At 1:16 PM,
Jenn said…
I agree with Ray, well said Katy. My problem is that while I have had a few great accomplishments this year (actually being a journalist tops the list), I find that I measure my lot in life against others and at times feel inadequate because I'm not "in the same place" as I feel like I "should" be at this stage in life. I have to constantly remind myself that measuring myself against others is only setting myself up for failure, but it's still hard to feel like at 25 I should have accomplished much more by now.
I also hold so much hope that the new year will be better and if I can just make it until then, things will change, even if I don't change. Obviously, I set myself up for disappointment with that mindset, but I do it every year. "This year will be better, different." Here's hoping that's the case for 2007! :P
At 10:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Let's just assume that 2007 will suck ass, so this time next year we don't all get depressed again.
At 3:26 PM,
Ray said…
I also feel the pangs of inadequacy when comparing myself to others. But when I compare my achievements with my own potential, I am left to conclude that I am holding myself back. I feel I am always waiting for the right time to strike out. But there will never be a right time. There is only now. 2007 will suck if you expect it to suck.
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