

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

a big hearty thanks to kate buckley for being such a great girl who's always willing to listen to me bitch and moan, even though she's held captive under the delusion that i never complain ;) well i have a testimony for you, girlie. you are one of the smartest, most insightful people i have the pleasure of knowing. you're always doing stuff for other people to make their day better, and you always put on a happy face for other people when they need you to be the light at the end of the tunnel. you're gracious and kind and let's face it..you're the core of lightheartedness of our little group of friends. a girl couldn't ask for a better person and a better friend, and i love you so much!!

ok, enough gushy stuff, i can only write it out for so long before i start to think "i hope kate doesn't think i'm hitting on her." :P but seriously, if you ever need a self-esteem booster, just come on over and say to me "hey maryann, tell me again why i'm so awesome" and i'll be happy to indulge you because you truly are so awesome!!

so i had a dream last nite that i was delivering newspapers to houses, but the thing was that the newspapers were already at the houses, but for some reason i had to go and find them (if they were under a bush or somewhere in the front yard) and put them inside the house. weird. so i was delivering a paper to this one house that had 3 asians living in it, and rather than put the paper inside the house, i chose to walk around inside the house to try and leave thru another door because it was a shortcut to the next house. classic maryann, always trying to find shortcuts;) anyway, i got mixed up cause the house was so big, then i got flustered cause one of the asians came home to find me walking around their house, so i exited quickly and when i got outside, i was on another street or something. keep in mind, it's like 4am. so "i'm walking, i'm walking" <--(for you jodi) and then i get picked up by some strange man who is like "i'll give you a ride back to your house." so i get in, stupid me, and he starts telling me about his fantasy to find someone to love and all that crap, and we're driving, we're driving, and i realize after like 5 miles that we're not going to my house. he pulls into the parking lot of a big store, like a super target, and i'm like "look, just let me out." and he looks at me and is like "i told you, i have a fantasy..." and just stares at me. so while the car's still moving, i just open the door and jump out and run towards the store. once inside the store, i see my parents and i'm like so relieved. but then for some reason, i walk outside (probably to smoke) and in the lot there are these 3 huge ugly men standing outside. they see me, and start heckling, so i just start to walk away, when one of these huge, burly men comes up to me and grabs me and picks me up and puts me under his arm, basically because he's going to kidnap me. all of a sudden, i have a fork in my hand, so i try to stab him, but another one of the men grabs the fork out of my hand and they're all laughing their evil kidnapper laughs, and i'm like "shit dude, this sucks." then i woke up. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ALL ABOUT???


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