

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

when i sit down and really think about my life, i come to the realization that i have no fucking clue what's going on. it's always something different, and as of late, it hasnt' been necessarily a bad thing. but right this very moment i'm feeling very bitter with myself due to a combination of things. for example, i didn't do shit today and it makes me feel like shit. i have so much work i could be doing, but my procrastination knows no bounds, and therefore i end up doing nothing and i hate myself for it at the end of the day. so goes life, i suppose; i'm certainly not perfect. i just wish a lot of things were different i guess, and that makes me very frustrated when a damn thing doesnt' change. and i know i've rambled on about change and shit like that before, but i'm doing it again! i don't really know where this is going, i'd like to put down some other stuff, but i think it's a little too personal to be posted for everyone to read, so i won't. i just wish i could take off and go somewhere away from here, and gather myself together. i dont' know what i want for myself anymore, i'm just stuck in this crappy state of limbo where i just go about my business but i'm not really happy about it. ugh, i dont' know, i can't think of anything else that i can type without getting too personal, so i'm out.


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