

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Thursday, August 28, 2003

haha, you thought i was done blogging for the day...you were wrong!

anyways, i felt the need to address something that i've been noticing and/or hearing about a lot lately. to all you guys out there, this is not to offend you or to bash you, but let me continue... why does it seem that in a relationship, whenever any kind of effort is needed to be put forth by you, warranted or otherwise, it becomes this big problem that you can't or won't deal with? and it's not like a situation where the girl asks you to rope the moon or something hard like that. it's something simple, like a kind gesture that falls in the "common courtesy" realm somewhere. this is what i don't understand: the simple, little things are sometimes what count the most. but the simple, little things seem to be what the guy has the most difficulty with. from knowing the guys that i know, the common answer to that query is usually "i didn't know you felt that way" or "i had no idea." uh, what? ok, i can understand and sympathize with the concept of not knowing what's going on sometimes. but i like to think that when it comes to something like a relationship, something that should be pretty important to you, you would have some sort of insight about your partner. and i know what you're thinking... "women are confusing;" "women always change their minds;" "women are so unpredictable," etc. yes, all this is true, but hey, we're women. get a clue. learn from the experiences you have with your partner, and maybe we wouldn't bitch so much about you. but hey, you're men. you don't understand us, we don't get you. it's what makes the world go 'round i suppose. but seriously guys, if you'd only take a step back sometimes, see a problem, do something about it, put a little effort forth, relationships could be so much easier on all of us.

as i said before, i'm not slamming men...i love men! this is just something i've been thinking about lately due to recent circumstances, so dont' get all hot and bothered and conclude that i'm saying women are better than men. i'm not. we're just smarter, that's all!! ;)


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