

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

so i just got back from this grad school course that i'm taking, and oh my God. i wanted to punch myself in the face and then punch my advisor in the face as well. disregard the fact that i haven't even had my *other* grad school course yet, i think this class is going to be the bane of this semester for me. "very challenging" and "heavy reading" are two of the phrases my professor used to describe this course, and we all know how horribly awful i am at keeping up on readings for classes, especially reading assignments that consist of reading 4 different articles/chapters that are in the ballpark of about 50 pages per reading. AAARRRGGHH!!! i think i may be freaking out right now. plus, i can't drop this course unless i pick up another one (which i really don't feel like doing) because if i do drop it, i will only be part-time. the only upside to this situation is that flunking this class will not inhibit me from graduating, which really isn't an upside at all because flunking the class will substantially lower my already lackluster GPA. fuck fuck fuck. i think my head's going to explode, and the first week of classes isn't even over yet. stick a fork in me, i'm done.


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