Jenn tagged me for this thingy, and since I'd much rather do this than pack, here we go...8 things about me:
1) I have a ridiculous fear of keeping my windows open at night. I'm completely paranoid about someone actually scaling the wall of my apt bldg and getting inside. I know that it's possible to do this because I've watched my neighbor climb up the side of the building to get into his apt when he's locked himself out. More than once. So of course, here's me tossing and turning at night, unable to fall asleep because I'm on the lookout for someone to break in my bedroom. And I won't fall asleep soundly unless I either get up and close the windows, or Bob's with me.
2) I am obsessed with lotion. Face, body, you name it. As of now, I own about 13 bottles of lotion. With regards to body lotion, I mostly use Jergens. For all different occasions. Example: Ultra Healing for wintertime, Original Scent for summer because it's lighter and absorbs faster, Skin Smoothing for the extra dry skin on my thighs and arms, and it goes on. It's sick, I know.
3) I absolutely live for shoes and bags (and lately, trench coats). I would rather buy shoes and bags than groceries...and that's exactly what I do.
4) I cannot handle insects of any kind. I've only recently acquired the ability to kill spiders on my own. A few months ago, I encountered a cockroach in my apt, and I almost cried when I realized that it would be completely unreasonable to wake up Kate and have her kill it for me. So what did I do? I tried to trap it under a coffee mug, hoping that it would eventually starve to death. Unfortunately, the damn thing started to run as I was lowering the mug on top, and the rim of the mug kind of caught the roach on the back. Thus, the roach's head was outside the mug, while the body was on the inside. Not knowing what to do, I called Bob, hyperventilating all the way, and asked for his advice. Needless to say, the ordeal lasted about 20 minutes or so, and I ended up just smashing the roach's head with an empty sugar box. I was in tears, it was awful. And don't even get me started on my experience with cicada season 2 summers ago. I'd much rather just forget about it altogether.
5) I, too, have an OCD with quadruple-checking the locks on the door at night. I have to first lock it, then turn out the light, then check it again before I'll go upstairs. I go through my nightly routine, and if I'm feeling especially crazy, I'll go down and check it a couple more times before finally going to bed. On a bad night, I'll lay down to go to sleep and actually start thinking about whether or not the door is locked. I sometimes feel like Monica on the episode of Friends where she's lying in bed trying to decide whether or not to go and get her shoes out of the living room. Just ask Bob...I pull the same shit when I stay at his place...though not quite as excessively because I feel safer when I'm with him anyway.
6) Another compulsion: handwashing. Now, I preface this by reminding you that I work in a facility that can get rather filthy at times, dealing with the clients that I deal with. I justify my handwashing with that reason. At times, though, it does get a bit excessive; specifically when I've washed my hands so much in a matter of a few days, that they sustain multiple splits and cracks due to lack of moisture. You'd think after reading point #2 above that I would moisturize my hands without prejudice. You would be wrong. I don't touch dirty doorknobs and surfaces with my face.
7) I have a thing with my face. I can't stand it when people touch it, or when it accidentally brushes against things or surfaces. I can touch my face whenever I please, but usually try not goes along with the handwashing/dirtiness thing from above. One of my vain prides is that I have a pretty decent complexion. I don't often get pimples or zits, with the exception of PMS week, but even then it's not bad. As long as my face remains untouched for the majority of the time, I feel like my pores with stay unclogged and thus my face will remain decent looking. This is also one of the reasons why I don't wear makeup (foundation, powder). I hate to feel like there's anything on my face, other than face lotion of course.
8) And last but certainly not least, I am typically attracted to older men. Much older men. This is not a secret, by any means, but I figured it was worth mentioning anyway. The most attractive men are usually in their 40's and above. This quirk doesn't necessarily rule out men who fall out of that age region (i.e. Bob), but I just have this thing for old men. I love em. Always will. I think it's appropriate that at this time, I give a shoutout to those old men in particular that have my love: Ed Harris, Clint Eastwood, Bill Ramos, George Clooney, Dr. Weiskopf, Ian McKellen (yes I know he's gay), Tim from Project Runway (again, very gay), Alan Rickman, and I'll go ahead and throw in Kevin Griffin, even though I believe he's still in his 30's. But he'll still be hot when he's 80.
I'm gonna tag Bubu and Szalay on this one. They're the only one's left, I believe that would read my blog and haven't already been tagged by Jenn.
1) I have a ridiculous fear of keeping my windows open at night. I'm completely paranoid about someone actually scaling the wall of my apt bldg and getting inside. I know that it's possible to do this because I've watched my neighbor climb up the side of the building to get into his apt when he's locked himself out. More than once. So of course, here's me tossing and turning at night, unable to fall asleep because I'm on the lookout for someone to break in my bedroom. And I won't fall asleep soundly unless I either get up and close the windows, or Bob's with me.
2) I am obsessed with lotion. Face, body, you name it. As of now, I own about 13 bottles of lotion. With regards to body lotion, I mostly use Jergens. For all different occasions. Example: Ultra Healing for wintertime, Original Scent for summer because it's lighter and absorbs faster, Skin Smoothing for the extra dry skin on my thighs and arms, and it goes on. It's sick, I know.
3) I absolutely live for shoes and bags (and lately, trench coats). I would rather buy shoes and bags than groceries...and that's exactly what I do.
4) I cannot handle insects of any kind. I've only recently acquired the ability to kill spiders on my own. A few months ago, I encountered a cockroach in my apt, and I almost cried when I realized that it would be completely unreasonable to wake up Kate and have her kill it for me. So what did I do? I tried to trap it under a coffee mug, hoping that it would eventually starve to death. Unfortunately, the damn thing started to run as I was lowering the mug on top, and the rim of the mug kind of caught the roach on the back. Thus, the roach's head was outside the mug, while the body was on the inside. Not knowing what to do, I called Bob, hyperventilating all the way, and asked for his advice. Needless to say, the ordeal lasted about 20 minutes or so, and I ended up just smashing the roach's head with an empty sugar box. I was in tears, it was awful. And don't even get me started on my experience with cicada season 2 summers ago. I'd much rather just forget about it altogether.
5) I, too, have an OCD with quadruple-checking the locks on the door at night. I have to first lock it, then turn out the light, then check it again before I'll go upstairs. I go through my nightly routine, and if I'm feeling especially crazy, I'll go down and check it a couple more times before finally going to bed. On a bad night, I'll lay down to go to sleep and actually start thinking about whether or not the door is locked. I sometimes feel like Monica on the episode of Friends where she's lying in bed trying to decide whether or not to go and get her shoes out of the living room. Just ask Bob...I pull the same shit when I stay at his place...though not quite as excessively because I feel safer when I'm with him anyway.
6) Another compulsion: handwashing. Now, I preface this by reminding you that I work in a facility that can get rather filthy at times, dealing with the clients that I deal with. I justify my handwashing with that reason. At times, though, it does get a bit excessive; specifically when I've washed my hands so much in a matter of a few days, that they sustain multiple splits and cracks due to lack of moisture. You'd think after reading point #2 above that I would moisturize my hands without prejudice. You would be wrong. I don't touch dirty doorknobs and surfaces with my face.
7) I have a thing with my face. I can't stand it when people touch it, or when it accidentally brushes against things or surfaces. I can touch my face whenever I please, but usually try not goes along with the handwashing/dirtiness thing from above. One of my vain prides is that I have a pretty decent complexion. I don't often get pimples or zits, with the exception of PMS week, but even then it's not bad. As long as my face remains untouched for the majority of the time, I feel like my pores with stay unclogged and thus my face will remain decent looking. This is also one of the reasons why I don't wear makeup (foundation, powder). I hate to feel like there's anything on my face, other than face lotion of course.
8) And last but certainly not least, I am typically attracted to older men. Much older men. This is not a secret, by any means, but I figured it was worth mentioning anyway. The most attractive men are usually in their 40's and above. This quirk doesn't necessarily rule out men who fall out of that age region (i.e. Bob), but I just have this thing for old men. I love em. Always will. I think it's appropriate that at this time, I give a shoutout to those old men in particular that have my love: Ed Harris, Clint Eastwood, Bill Ramos, George Clooney, Dr. Weiskopf, Ian McKellen (yes I know he's gay), Tim from Project Runway (again, very gay), Alan Rickman, and I'll go ahead and throw in Kevin Griffin, even though I believe he's still in his 30's. But he'll still be hot when he's 80.
I'm gonna tag Bubu and Szalay on this one. They're the only one's left, I believe that would read my blog and haven't already been tagged by Jenn.
At 6:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
So when Bob's in his forties you will be EXTRA turned on. Sweet.
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