

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The nature of this post centers on the female process of menstruating. Viewer discretion is advised.

You know how they say that women don't need to menstruate, thus why Seasonale and Depo Provera exist? Well, I tend to disagree. You see, I am not on either one of the aformentioned birth control methods. My birth control still elicits a period once a month...that is, unless I decide to skip my period for a month. The most recent occurrence of this brought about negative side effects, thus my case in point. Let me explain.

Usually the week before I'm supposed to have my period, I get twinges of cramps here and there, nothing serious, mind you, as well as having a couple of pimples pop up. Well, the last time I was supposed to have my period, I skipped, as I was going to be on vacation and didn't want to deal with it then. The cramp twinges were present, along with the one or two pimples. And you know what? They didn't go away. In fact, both persisted beyond my period week and into the three non-period weeks following. Currently, I am on my period.

So, what does this tell us, other than I am unnecessarily posting about my period? Well, as mentioned in the beginning, I believe that unless ample time is permitted for my body to get used to the idea of not having a period, I feel, for vanity's sake at the very least, that I need to menstruate every month. For whatever reason, I feel like my body holds onto PMS into the next 3 weeks if I skip a period. Which is one of the reasons why I don't enjoy skipping my period.

I'm sure you're reading this thinking why in the hell is she writing about this?? Well, I'll tell you why. Because I just started tonight, and I feel like I want to die. And rather than sit here and hold in the pain and misery, I thought it appropriate enough to release it into the wild for others to share in my torment. Besides, I gave you a disclaimer at the beginning of this post. If you've gotten this far and are disgusted, well you have no one but yourself to blame.


  • At 8:51 PM, Blogger Ray said…

    My freshman year in high school, I was often seen carrying around a copy of 'Our Bodies, Ourselves', so this post makes me feel bad for you.

  • At 10:08 PM, Blogger Maryann said…

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  • At 10:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    As you know, I haven't bled in over 6 months and I feel like I'm dying. This shit is pretty much unbearable.

    The doctor put me on hormones to make me bleed so if you hear screams of pain coming from the Lawrence area in about 7 days, you'll know why.

    I'm sorry babe. But I agree with you. We need to bleed.


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