

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

As of this 11 o'clock hour, I have officially gone 24 whole hours without smoking a cigarette. I must admit, it's a somewhat bittersweet moment, as I have no one to share it with (Kate's asleep in Boston, Bob's asleep in Jersey). I'm very proud of myself and admittedly so, very surprised. I'm not known for my willpower, as you have probably picked up at one time or another. I'll really have to think about this....Maryann, a non-smoker. Hmm.

I've been throwing around quitting smoking in my head for awhile now. (Geez, like I need yet another reason to be bitchy and mean.) I have neglected to really mention it to more than just a couple of individuals, as I don't like or feel I need the pressure. This is hard. The funny thing is that I didn't pick this week to quit or anything. I just kinda did without smoking and it has sort of evolved into an effort to stop I guess. Oh, and by the by: if you see me smoking after today, don't judge me. Addictions are hard enough without your judgmental look or voice in my ear. I thank you in advance for your diplomacy. (Besides, chances are you're addicted to something, whether it be porn or sodium or something.)

I've read countless times in women's magazines that you may be more successful at quitting smoking if you do it during the week prior to your period as opposed to any other time during the month. Doesn't that just seem unjust? I am always a moody, darting mess the week before my period. What a great time to NOT have that psychological fixation that seems to make things ok. But wait a minute! Much to your (and my) disbelief, it currently is, in fact, the week prior to my period. And if you'll review with me the facts mentioned at the beginning, it has been 24 hours since my last cigarette. Maybe the articles were right. <---(that's not what my addiction says.)


  • At 6:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Oooh, I'm proud of you for that 24 hours, whether you decide to quit for good or not.

    I'm struggling with my food addiction at this point, and while its nothing like smoking I can at least empathize with how hard it must be for you.

    Are you going cold-turkey or using a patch?

    And if you ever find you need someone to celebrate your victories and Kate and Bob are gone again, don't hesitate to call me - I don't care what time it is. :)

  • At 12:25 AM, Blogger Maryann said…

    I appreciate your support, Katy. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I certainly need them right now!

    I am doing this cold turkey...I'm trying not to use the withdrawal method to quit smoking, because I feel I would just be replacing the addiction of cigarettes with the addiction of the patch or the gum.

    The method I'm using to try and quit is all in this book I've read. It's called 'Allen Carr's Easy Way to stop smoking.' I highly recommend it to anyone who wants to quit!

  • At 12:44 AM, Blogger Maryann said…

    I neglected to mention in my response earlier...
    Katy makes a very good point. While not everyone can relate to an addiction to smoking, everyone has an addiction, whether it be to food or coca cola or sugar or porn.

    It's important to realize that while you may not be able to relate to others' specific addictions, you can at least commiserate regarding the addiction you do have.

  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger Jenn said…

    Hey Congrats on 24 hours! That's about as long as i've gone without a Coke in the last 6 years of my life. Now I won't be able to call you Smokes anymore. I'll start calling you Shoes! :)


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