

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Houston, we have a problem...

So it's been 2 days with no smoking and still going strong. Well, I suppose 'strong' is not the best word to describe today's experience with no smoking. I've had 2 people today tell me (in a nutshell) that while they're glad I'm trying to quit, they don't really believe I'm actually going to be able to. Let me tell you how fucking encouraging that is.

I talked with Bob about it tonight, and it was really upsetting to me. I told him that this is exactly why I don't share certain things with certain people. This is what I want to tell all the skeptics (and I'm sure there are many, maybe reasonably so): Don't you think I realize that the chances of me failing are pretty high compared to the chances of me suceeding?? I am well aware of this, and frankly the skeptic inside my head is the only one I really care to deal with right now.

So I say this to you, anyone who reads this and gives a shit: If you don't have anything truly positive to say to me about this, then just keep your mouth shut. Like I said, I don't need your sarcasm and/or skepticism....I have plenty of that already from my own self.

But for those kind souls who actually believe that positive feedback, encouragement, and positive reinforcement are what I need (and I do!), I say thank you and I appreciate your support. It means a lot.


  • At 8:02 AM, Blogger Maryann said…

    Thanks Lisa!

  • At 8:30 PM, Blogger Jenn said…

    Yea, those people who told you that they dont' believe you'll quit obviously suck and tried to quit themselves and failed and must psychologically break you down because they don't want you to be even more superior to them.
    It sounds like there are cannons or gun fire going off outside. That can't be good. Anyhoo, 2 days is way better than 2 minutes and eventually it will be 2 weeks, then 2 months. My dad quit smoking 29 years ago and hasnt' smoked since. :)

  • At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Fuck anyone who's telling you you won't last. Tell me who it is - I'll break their fucking kneecaps.

    Seriously though. Unfortunately in life there will always be naysayers and people who, for whatever reason, are negative. I have people at work who consistenly bring chocolate and donuts into my office EVERY day in an effort to sabotage my diet. They say "Oh, you can have it. YOu're not THAT big, it won't hurt!" I just have to ignore those miserable pricks.

    If you can at all, look at it as a challenge. YOU know you can do it, WE know you can do it -- take it as a way to say "fuck you" to those who say you can't. You're ALREADY quit. You've already had a victory, regardless of the lenght of time its been. You HAVE done it.

    I can't figure out why anyone would try to sabotage you, but fuck em. You know you can do it. You have a wide network of support, and we all believe in you. You're a smart and determined girl, and anything you want to do, you can absolutely do.

    So, I sound like a total motivational speaker but I don't care. You can do it ---- you already have.

  • At 9:42 PM, Blogger Maryann said…

    Perhaps you should be a motivational speaker :) AND you should live in a van down by the river. Seriously, I appreciate your support, and just so you know...it'll be a week tomorrow night!

  • At 8:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I promise if Rob ever kicks me out I'll get really fat and live in a van down by the river and become a motivational speaker who wears hip plaid blazers.


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