

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Sometimes we want those magical movie moments to occur all the time in our lives, so that we can always be exciting and fresh in our interactions and conversations.

This is a sentiment I often crave, because there isn't much excitement occuring naturally in my own life. It seems that the conscious responsibility often falls upon me to put that zest into my day, and frankly, I'm just not that gullible. I'm typically a realist when it comes to life imitating art; movie kisses, fights, and make-ups don't happen to normal people, least of all me.

But then every once in awhile, one of those moments will sneak in to my real life, and even though it's subtle and almost unnoticeable, I'll see it in a moment of clarity and it's something really special and nice. It's then that I have a glimmer of appreciation for my mundane daily routine; otherwise those moments wouldn't be quite so remarkable when they do occur.

Now don't get me wrong...I would love to trade in my Community Hospitals badge for a soap opera set of drama...but only for a little while. As much as I complain about the boring existence I lead, I do find a lot of comfort in my "routine." I like to have a plan each night when I come home from work (and boy do I ever). It's a cliche, but my "routines" are typically comforting, familiar, and cozy for me. And it certainly takes the cake when I can pull out a 5-minute segment of my "routine," compare it to that TV show or movie that I just watched and be glad to have had mine, as opposed to the fictional one.


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