

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Thursday, November 03, 2005

You know, sometimes I just want to say to people, "Not everything is about you." I find myself really disheartened by those who constantly think about them and only them. And it's sad that I somehow in my mind "excuse" these people from that because "that's just the way they are." I guess Kate's right; sometimes you have to make a decision. You have to decide if you want to accept people for the way they are and put up with whatever flaw they exhibit, or you have to cut the cord and move on.

On another note, I like to believe that I totally had the opportunity to be on Univision tonight if I would've sucked it up, went to an ATM, got out money, and gone back to the Jazz Kitchen and paid the $5 cover. But alas, I didn't feel like putting forth the effort, so.... my quest.... to be on Univision....continues? I don't know.


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