

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

4 months to go....

in light of my impending leave from bloomington, a few words are in order:

**to all the hippies that have made my life that much more interesting or difficult, i say "take a shower and go buy some keds."

**to all the sorostitutes driving drunk around bloomington, i say "keep on giving us shit to laugh at on a saturday night when you knock down those light poles."

**to all the homeless people sitting on the sidewalk on kirkwood, i say "i don't want to pay you a dime for a stupid joke, so go away."

**to the black homeless man who always has compliments for me in return for my change, i say "keep ya head up."

**to the wretched desk clerks at the health center, i say "i hope your car explodes the next time you turn the key in the ignition."

**to the doctors and nurses at the health center, i say "NO, I'M NOT PREGNANT!"

**to the 2002-2003 IU men's basketball team, i say "you rule."

**to tommy c, i say "i heart you!"

**to the 379 boys from the villas, i say "i love you guys, you were the best neighbors ever!"

**to the read dorm, i say "i had some great (and not so great) times in your rooms, your hallways, your lounges, your roof. holla."

**to the forest dorm, i say "great times were had as well, in your rooms, your bathrooms (love ya jake), and your circle drive (oh jack). holla."

**to the main library, i say "although i have yet to partake in the infamous 'blow job corner' on the 5th floor, well done."

**to the slew of awesome professors i've had the pleasure of working with, i say "you guys rule! if i was completely unethical, i would've slept with about half of you ( you know who you are :P)."

**to the two men who broke into my apartment in 2003, i say "i hate you. you've instilled fear into me for the rest of my life and i hope you get attacked by rabid dogs."

**to the great JAC, i say "i'm just counting the months it will take for you to collapse as per all the partying that takes place within your great walls. you will be missed."

**to downtown, i say "it's been a pleasure partaking in all you have to offer. you are beautiful in the winter."

**to the CSR, i say "you are a haven of ungodliness and i hope you burn to the ground."

**to T.I.S. and the IU bookstore, i say "you owe me about $700 you bastards."

more to come...

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

the dream i had last nite consisted of everyone being topless. and by everyone, i mean all the girls. well almost all the girls. and by almost all, i mean me. i do remember another set of breasts, but they belonged to some random girl, no one i know.

Monday, January 12, 2004

i just got a spam email in which the sender was Doggy Style and the subject line was natural jerky treats and toys. needless to say, "dogs" was not the first thing that came to my mind. think about it.
funny conversation worth sharing, even if only to humiliate kate;)....

KATE: i only have like 2 pairs of underwear left!

ME: well, i guess you'll have to wash them in the bathtub.

KATE: ew!

ME: well, you wash your private parts in the bathtub.

KATE: yeah, and then my private part juices are in the bottom of the bathtub

ME: *laughing hysterically*

KATE: well when i wash my private parts, i stand up in the bathtub!

ME: that's why after you wash the underwear, you rinse them out by turning on the shower so it rinses down the drain.

ME: "private part juices??" *hysterical laughter*

ME: i have to put that on my blog!

KATE: i hate you.

you kinda had to be there for it to be as funny as it was :) love ya kate ;)