

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I would just like to say for the record that I absolutely HATE the expression "preggers." It drives me crazy when people use it. It is the stupidest word I can possibly think of. I just want to punch them in the face and say "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SAY 'PREGNANT' YOU IDIOT??" Gah!!!

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

So yeah, went to the doctor today, and I got 2 out of 3 right from my last post: no spicy/greasy foods, no ALCOHOL, didn't say much about the smoking, no ibuprofen (my wonderdrug), no CAFFEINE. They may as well have told me to give up the will to live also.

The nurse's response to my question of whether I can resume any of the above when I'm done with the meds they gave me: "Well, I think you'll find that after awhile you won't even want to do those things anyway." YEAH, SURE! MY WILL TO DRINK AND EAT WHAT I WANT WILL MAGICALLY DISAPPEAR! THANKS, THANKS ALOT. ARGH.
My tummy hurts :( Watch..I'll go to the doctor tomorrow and they'll tell me I have to give up 3 of the things I like most: certain foods, cigarettes, and booze. Damn medical professionals, always trying to keep a girl down.

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Green for St. Patrick's day.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Hooray, I'm finally going to be an aunt!! Well it's about time! :P
"...you see I'm in no shape for driving, and anyway I've got no place to go."

I plan on writing a manual on the warning signs, coping techniques, and preventative measures when dealing with *asinine men. See, a guide we all can learn from, young and old alike.

* No man in particular provided the inspiration for this piece of literature, due to the fact that the phrase "asinine men" pretty much applies to them all!