

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Friday, February 07, 2003

just spent the last half hour or so belting out boyz II men with kate in the car.....SO MUCH FUN:)
it's BOGO-MANIA!!!!

Thursday, February 06, 2003

i think my feelings can be best expressed in song lyrics, "SIDE" by the band Travis....

"oh i belive there's someone watching over you.
they're watching every single thing you say.
and when you die they'll set you down and take you through.
you'll realize one day
that the grass is always greener on the other side.
neighbor's got a new car that you wanna drive.
and when time is runnin out you wanna stay alive.
we all live under the same sky.
we all will live, we all will die.
there is no wrong, there is no right.
the circle only has one side."

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

dont' tell someone you'll do something with them and then bail out....NOT VERY SEXY.

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

oh kevin, you rascal;) you rock my world darlin!! can't wait to see you :P
oh my gosh, i was thinking last nite when i was at the gym how i just have to quit smoking or i'm going to die soon (from a combination of working out and smoking and lung cancer and what not), and then i was all empowered, and i didn't go buy any smokes after dinner like i had planned....but then i started thinking about the whole situation, and i think i came close to having a minor panic attack over the fact that i don't think i can quit smoking, even though i really want to. cause half of me was like "think about the gym! think about your ability to work out and run and stuff!" but the other half was like "dude, you can't just up and quit, you're too weak to be able to do that." i'm not sure which half won out in the end, but i'm pretty sure it's the latter because i bought cigarettes today:( boo for maryann, she sucks, i know. but honestly, the withdrawal scares me. like, i have no idea how i'm going to handle it, and it's very frightening, and for those of you who are reading this and scoffing at me and my pathetic-ness, GO GET ADDICTED TO SOMETHING FOR 5 YEARS AND SEE HOW EASY IT IS FOR YOU TO GIVE IT UP IN A DAY, YOU ASSHOLES!!! sorry, that was my bitter self taking over for a sec...haven't had a cigarette in awhile;) haha, i'm so FUNNY!

Monday, February 03, 2003

6 days.......AHHHHH, STOP IT STOP IT CREEPY PEOPLE!! and i vow that i will never be your friend if you try and creep me out by calling me and saying creepy shit into the phone! blah!! but the ring was a spectacular movie!