

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Thursday, April 01, 2004


According to my zodiac sign, I'm more brainy when it comes to love than passionate. Which do I believe, which do I believe???????

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Oh, and another thing, Benadryl, you're not sorry we have allergies, because then there would be no one to buy your product. Idiots.
2 of my classes have been cancelled over the past 3 days this week, and that's fabulous. You know what else is fabulous? I get paid this weekend and I've decided I need to go shopping. The Gap may have escaped my grasp here in Bloomington, but it will not elude me in Indy. And speaking of fabulous, I just saw a movie preview with David Duchovny in which I sincerely hope he plays a gay man. Because that would be FABULOUS.

Monday, March 29, 2004

I had a topic to post about, one that is near and dear to me; an entrance into my personal space, so to speak. I was about 3 paragraphs into the thread, and then I decided to not post it, and instead erased it. Why, you ask? Well, this might sound appropriate or this might sound paranoid, you can decide for yourselves, but I feared losing one of my edges. I feared that the words I typed out would backfire on me and ultimately be used against me. By who? I don't know. Why? I don't know. It was just a feeling. That somehow the personal information about my psyche would only turn out to be fuel for someone who wants to set me on fire. Paranoid? Yeah, probably. Unfortunately in my mind, my fears weren't so paranoid that I scoffed at my silly suspicion and instead began to type again. Not so paranoid that instead of reading about my original thoughts, you're reading about, well, nothing. And because you're reading about nothing, it is time to bid adieu and time for Maryann to go to bed. Ciao.