

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Well, it's my last week in Bloomington, and so far it's just about the same as it's been all summer, minus the internship every day. I'm trying to savor the last week of my "college days" but it's difficult because I still have so much stuff to get done. I have yet one more assignment to do for my internship and I have all this crap to do for the job that's waiting for me in Indy. If I could just have a few days to myself to sleep, get trashed, chain smoke, or do whatever the hell I want to do, I would love it. Who knows, maybe it'll take a week or two to process my info for the job before I can start working again. That'd be fun. Ew. Grown-up time is a hard transition. Ick.