

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Friday, April 04, 2003

alright ray, this blog's for you...

so in an attempt to redeem myself to raymond, i am just going to say this: when i say you are a womanizer, i'm not trying to attack your character, i'm not saying you're an awful person, and i'm not trying to make you feel bad about yourself in any way. cause let's face it, in the grand scheme of your life, my opinions don't hold much water or really matter at all. what i mean when i say you're a womanizer without the women is that i believe you could be one of those men that can meet a pretty girl, say pretty things to her, and possibly not mean them. or, you could say the exact same pretty things to the next girl that strikes your fancy. and i know that sounds a bit ridiculous because guys say nice things to any and all girls that they like, yada yada, but maybe the case with you is that you're such a puzzling person sometimes, that i can't see where some things end and some begin, ya know? like for example, sometimes you'll say chauvinistic(sp?) things, and sometimes you'll say really nice, sensitive things. which one is the "real" you? and like you said to me tonite regarding yoosuk--if you're acting like someone that deep down you're really not, which persona do i take as being who you are?

perhaps i was hasty in my judgement of you, but if it makes you feel any better, i was not trying to judge, i was more pointing out what i thought was there, and if you say womanizing tendencies are NOT there, then i'll believe you. but as i said before, you're kind of a complicated man to read. and if you did take offense at my words, i do apologize. and like i also said before, i think you're a great guy, i love talking to you and hanging out and what not, the fact that i think you're a womanizer doesn't change the one on one opinion that i have about you. i think you're funny as shit! so in conclusion, i'm sorry if i was rude or presumptuous, i will try to keep my thoughts to myself next time. but all in all, i'm just "looking out" for the people i love.

there ya go ray, it's all for you:)
i'm a woman on a mission....a mission to take over the world, in conjunction with the filipino of course, to infect the world with that freaky asian virus until asians rule the world!! oh wait, viruses kill EVERYBODY. damnit...carlos, we'll have to come up with a plan B ;)

Thursday, April 03, 2003

wow, this allergy medicine really gets my wagon draggin! it works so wonderfully but it makes me so tired for hours upon hours. anyway, now it's 11pm (an hour after the fact that i wanted to go running but instead fell asleep) and i think i'm about to jump in the shower because as of lately, i've been having sweats when i fall asleep and i want to punch myself. oh well, i guess my life could be worse.....:)

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

hooray for drugs that help alleviate esophageal reflux!!!

"hey joey, what would you do if you were omnipotent?" "i think i'd probably kill myself."
"no, OMnipotent." "you are?? i'm sorry..."

"oh and it seems pretty clear to me that you were in fact on a break."

Sunday, March 30, 2003

well i will say that today has been waaaay to unproductive for words. but hey, my work will get done...eventually! i would also like to note that kate, jenny, and kelly at la charreada last nite was so supremely funny. it was so good to see jenny because i never get to see her and i was so happy when i saw her smiling, hammered, wasted face! love ya jenny:)
why do i put myself in a position to just end up getting disappointed?? that still baffles me, but hopefuly soon i will loearn better and learen how to do ohterwise. i don't want ot stpend the rest of my life wishing and hopeing......i want to know what i want tand to get that. i'm ndrunik by the wya,m so this won't make much sense, but i promiste it is coming from somewhere. i odn't know, i'm tired and i want to go home and eat food and then go to bed. blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah