

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Monday, August 02, 2004

One would've thought I was going to live out the rest of my current lease without any more problems with the apartment. Well, if you thought that, you were wrong. Not only has the water pump alarm in my bedroom been going off for the last 3 days, and maintenance has decided it will take 2 days to fix, but I recently discovered that I have a possible infestation of brown recluse spiders. Not fun. In fact, so un-fun that I've ceased cleaning out corners of the apt for fear that another one will emerge and finally kill me. That'd be the icing on the cake wouldn't it: my shitty apartment after all its shittiness, finally finishes the job it set out to do this whole year and kills me. That would just top off this crappy summer.

On a more positive note, I've acquired a place to live for the duration of my internship after the apt lease ends. Not only that, I even get paid $40 a night to sleep there. Sweet.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

It's the first of August and five weeks to go on the internship. Obviously I haven't killed myself at this point, so I think I can hold out on that for the rest of it. I just have to say that I am so fucking glad it's almost over. Don't get me wrong; I enjoy the work, I enjoy the clients, and I enjoy the atmosphere. But I'm not sure all that can overcome the fact that a) I don't get paid for the 40+ hours I work there, and 2) it is seriously stressing me out in a daily basis. When (and if) I get a job, at least I'll be getting paid to do bitch work. And believe me, I need to get real paid.

And in addition to all that, I've become disenchanted with my internship site, as everything (and I mean *everything*) is about money. It's all about making enough, making more, "refining" in order to make more. What happened to the initial basis of healthcare, which was taking care of people? Providing services for those who need them in order to change a life for the better, not enlarging the CEO's wallet? I understand that agencies need to ensure a certain amount of revenue in order to stay in business, but when the agency asks employees to basically lie to Medicaid and insurance companies about services provided to clients, then it becomes about money and that's all. Well, they can kiss my big fat ass, because my ass doesn't want to go to court for insurance fraud anytime soon.