

"She's not crazy just a little misunderstood."-BTE

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

And now for your viewing pleasure...

Misunderstood proudly presents...

"My nephews"

This is Evan. He is drooling all over himself. As my grandma would say, he has a hole in his chin....you know, that's where the drool is coming from.

And now we meet Corbin. He has a very pensive look on his face....all the time. I have a sneaking suspicion he will grow up and invent a cure for cancer with that look.

Thank you and good night!

I think quitting smoking has, in fact, affected my sleep pattern (for awhile there, I didn't appear to be experiencing any physical effects). I've been waking up earlier in the A.M., and sometimes I can fall back asleep and sometimes I can't. Or sometimes I do fall back asleep and then I wake up again 10 minutes later, and so on. The funny thing is that when these disturbances occur, I feel wide awake for a few minutes, then I get tired. Or, maybe it's the fact that it's 6am and I don't know what else I'd do besides just go back to sleep. I don't know. It's odd and it's not that it's really that disturbing, b/c anything that helps me get to work on time for a change is a good thing. But hopefully it'll go away soon. I've read that the physical effects of quitting smoking disappear altogether after 2 weeks. I'm working on my second week right now, so hopefully the sleep will cease to be disturbed.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Can't buy me love

Tonight at 11:00pm, it will be the one week mark of my quitting smoking. There were some moments over the weekend where I almost cracked and smoked, but I stayed strong (and by that I mean just drank more) and powered through it. Bob was a ginormous help and offered nothing but kind words (except when he was yelling at me at the tollbooth).

So I continue my mission to be a non-smoker. I must say, it's getting easier, but there's still a small part of me that misses it. How silly, huh?